Christmas will be different - I actually have some great ideas for easy and cheap Christmas decorations for the outdoors that do not require a porch, expertise at hanging fixtures, or a large budget or span of time. Perfect, right?!
Top 5 Easy Cheap Outdoor Christmas Decoration Ideas I'll be Using This Christmas:
#5: Easy Personalized Wreath for the Door (Monogram Wreath)
I LOVE THIS because I love my initials. You can find large cardboard letters at Michael's or Pat Catans. Or, if you're cheap like me, you could cut out 3 identical bubble letters of your initial from an old large box your mother likely has lying around the house (or in the garage/attic). Line them up and then wrap dollar store garland around them until you have the entire thing wrapped. Take some large ribbon and string a beautiful big bow on top to hang it from and you're done!
#4: Candy Cane Lane Driveway!
Easy as it sounds - line your driveway with the cheap giant candy canes you find at Dollar Tree.
You know which ones I'm talking about - you probably have a few in your Christmas storage already. Why not go all out and make candy cane lane?
#3: Christmas Spotlights (Red, Green, Blue - Whatever)

#4: Garland Door Hanger
Can you believe that they sell garland door hangers and arches for over $100? I saw door arches for almost $500! Come ON! Ridiculous. Again, all you need is a discount or dollar store that sells 'fake' Christmas tree garland. Or, another trick - go to one of those places behind the malls that sell live Christmas trees and ask if they have any branch piles that you can pull from and string your own garland (yes, that will take more time, but that's real & free). Either way, placing some nice tree garland around your door with or without lights is a nice touch that doesn't over-do it.
#5: Poinsettias, Poinsettias, Poinsettias
Not the real ones of course - because they'll likely die. And you probably guessed it again - your local dollar store will have a TON of these floating around come November. I say stock up on a good half dozen and put them where your planted flowers used to be. There's no law that says you cannot have them outdoors as well as indoors, right? Plus, they're just so pretty.
When I get around to decorating this November, I'll post my finish project so you can see all of these easy & cheap outdoor decoration ideas in action. Until then, let me know if you have any to add.
Thanks & Happy Decorating!
Thanks a lot for these inexpensive Outdoor Christmas Decoration Ideas. I am impressed with these DIY décor ideas and would definitely be using them. Last year we hosted a party at indoor party venues in DC and everyone liked our arrangements.