Thursday, July 31, 2014

How I Forgave Lebron James in 60 seconds

This is not only a story about how I, a true Clevelander, forgave Lebron James in 60 seconds.  This is also a story on how he became a HERO to me.

I was pissed as every other Cleveland Cavs fan during immediately following the fatal 'Decision.'  I hated Lebron James.  In fact, I held that grudge hard and gave an evil look to every person in Miami when flying to Florida for vacation just this past June (as if it was their fault, seriously).

That all changed after one short conversation with my husband, ranting about a bad week at work (which everyone does - don't lie).  Here's how it went:

Setting: walking in the house, just arriving home from work
Me:  "OMG Brett, I'm so pissed"
Husband: "Why? What's wrong?"
Me: "This week is bullshit." [Tells husband at length about all the bullshit happening at work].
Me: "It's like I do all this work - I feel like I'm making a difference, making all this progress for the company, then BOOM - everything goes to shit."
Me: "I mean, I feel like I'm WASTING my talent on [people/things] that don't seem to care as much at making [this company] WIN at something!" 
Me: "I mean I have - what? - like 2-3 years left [without kids] to invest myself 100% in this career, and I want to really make a difference!  I feel like I'm not getting anywhere..." [frowny face]
Me: "You know sometimes I think... I should just take my talent... to... to..."
Husband: "Southbeach?"
Me: "Oh. My. God." [mind=blown]

It hit me like a ton of bricks - Lebron James just loves his career.  He's passionate about basketball.  He wasn't trying to hurt us, to be a dick.  He was just trying to use his talent where it would make the most difference while he had the time/youth/ambition/drive.  And then maybe LEARN something from others that play basketball exceptionally well to boot.

And then the city of Cleveland despises him.  That's like the company I'm working at hating me for leaving to make a difference for another company.  Then the president of my former company writing a letter to the rest of the company about how big a dick I was.  Oh My God can you believe that?  I would be SO PISSED. 

And then Lebron James comes BACK.  After all that? After the entire city hates him and parades around to each city beating their chests and cussing his name?

I don't know if I would be a big enough person to go back.  Even if the company was begging me to come back -  after making such a public spectacle about me.  Lebron James could be one of the most forgiving people on the planet.

Now I hear he's going around handing out cupcakes and saying sorry to Clevelanders in person?
For What?  If anything, we should be sending him gifts, thanking him, and apologizing for being such assholes, and not giving him what he needed in the first place.

Sorry Lebron - I was wrong.  I finally get it.  I'm glad you're back.  Please let us know what we can do to help you use your talents to better our city.


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