Saturday, July 26, 2014

Why I've Failed at Every Blog I've Started

I suck at blogging.

I've had at least 5 failed blogs over the last 7 years and I know the reason:  I was writing to try to make a blog.

Sounds stupid doesn't it?  What does that even mean?  I was literally trying to create a blog that people would visit to gain enough visits that I would eventually make money from it...

I missed the point completely. 

No one cares about a blog I would start about what to wear tailgating to look cute for your sports team (yep, that was my first attempt), or a blog about where christmas cards are on sale for the cheapest (ya - that one was stupid), or a blog about what ever people were searching for online that day.

This is me working as an online marketer, not being able to blog for shit.
And though people are looking for information - I'm not an expert at anything - there is literally nothing I could provide them of use.

So now I have this blog - a blog with my NAME in the domain, and it sucks.
You know why?  I'm literally trying to write about things that would attract people to my blog by looking at what people search for that I care about ("Oh - people are looking for Josh Gordon's drug test results today, and I love the Browns, so I'll write about that...").

You don't care.
 And what's worse: I Don't Care!

I've been 'writing' this blog and I don't even want to write in this blog, because I'm not writing for fun, I'm writing for an end goal.

So this is what's happening now - I'm writing this blog for me.  This is a blog about me.  And as much as I want to tell you about all the things in my life that I have a crazy story about, I can't - because there are people at work who know I have a blog and I do not want them to know just how insane I am.

So there.
If you like my random crappy stories about my life and my rants about approaching 30 and stories about things that happen to me, then welcome.  If you don't care - then whatever, you don't have to stay.

You want to know something crazy?  What opened my eyes to this epiphany?
My sister - knows absolutely nothing about blogging, or marketing, or online business, started a blog just about her random life and thoughts and has a ton of followers.  Can you believe that shit?  She wants me to look at her blog for her and make it better - 'Optimize' it from the knowledge I claim to have, and she is literally schooling me on blogging.  

So thanks Kim - my real blog begins now.

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